Tuesday, 28 November 2017

Journal Derbyshire Archeological and Natural History Society

Been through the first 30 volumes and found a number of Needham's:

Who abode What Year When source vol page
Hen de Nedham Overhaddon witness to a will 1216 Henry III 1216-1272 JDANHS  Vol 15 32
Thom de Nedham Iret (on)Kirk Ireton Lay Subsidy 1328 1327/8 JDANHS vol 11 44
Robt de Nedham Iret (on)Kirk Ireton Lay Subsidy 1328 1327/8 JDANHS vol 11 44
Johes Nedham Iret (on)Kirk Ireton Lay Subsidy 1328 1327/8 JDANHS vol 11 44
Galf de Nedham Iret (on)Kirk Ireton Lay Subsidy 1328 1327/8 JDANHS vol 11 44
Brian Nedam Holmesfield payment of fines 1494 may 1494 JDANHS vol20 62
Brian Nedeham Holmesfield payment of fines 1498 nov 1498 JDANHS vol20 67
Brian Nedeham Holmesfield
1505 1505 JDANHS vol20 72
Brian Nedam Holmesfield payment of fines 1515 6 may6Henry VII JDANHS vol20 60
Henry nedeham Alvaston Grange Jointly owned Alvaston Grange wih William Sacheverell 1547 38 HenryVIII JDANHS vol 27 90
Roger Nedham Monyashe Alehouses in Derbyshire 1577 1577 JDANHS vol1 73
Humphrey Nedham Bradley Alehouses in Derbyshire 1577 1577 JDANHS vol1 77
Richard Needham, gen darley dale buried 1581 25 May 1581 JDANHS  vol 6
richard needhame hope muster spanish invasion 1585 1585 JDANHS  Vol 17 7
george needham hope muster spanish invasion 1587 1587 JDANHS  Vol 17 11
james needham bonsall muster spanish invasion 1587 1587 JDANHS  Vol 17 13
Alice Needham Monyash Find 2d for  breaking the assize as commoon brewers; Chapel en le Frith 1589 7 Oct 1589 JDANHS vol 29 3
francis needham, gent melbourn horse for Ireland 1599 1599 JDANHS  Vol 17 40
francis Needham Melbuke recusants highpeak 1601 16 May 1601 JDANHS vol 9 62
Alicia Nedham Wormhill recusants highpeak 1601 16 May 1601 JDANHS vol 9
George & Henry Needham cowley manor Sold Cowley Manor to Richard Senior of Bridgetown 1613 1613 JDANHS vol18 60
George Needham Marston iurfa Tutssurge advance to Charles 1 1627 1627 JDANHS vol21 75
Humfrey Needham Hartington advance to Charles 1 1627 1627 JDANHS vol21 79
Thomas Needham Bonsall freeholder 1633 1633 JDANHS  vol 6 59
francis needham esq
Indentures & Deeds: FN esq and others & Rowland Higgs blalcksmith 1657  2  Oct 8Jac 1 JDANHS vol 23 67
francis needham esq
Indentures & Deeds: FN esq and others & Anthony Hopkinson  & others  1657  2  Oct 8Jac 1 JDANHS vol 23 67
george needham Great Hucklow Easter roll in Hope parish (dues paid to church). Paid 10d 1658 1658 JDANHS vol 11 27
Max Needham Bolsover church warden assessment 1691 1690/1 JDANHS vol 9 62
Rob f rob Needam m Grace
birth 1695 19 Aug 1695 JDANHS vol 22 108
Grace Needham Dale Abbey death 1698 18 March 1698 JDANHS vol 22 110
? f Rob. Needam & mGrace
birth 1699 1699 JDANHS vol 22 111
Daniel Needham Bolsover curch warden 1701 1701 JDANHS vol 9 62
Child f Rob Needam
birth 1705 1705 JDANHS vol 22 113
Rich Needam sener
this life between Lady day & the first day of August 1706 1706 JDANHS vol 22 114
Will.Needham ashover buried cheetham 1722 1722 JDANHS vol 19
Ellis Needham Caastleton Diary Edward Bagshaw 1743 12 feb 1743 JDANHS vol1 84
E M Needham Belper Member JDANHS 1879 jan 1879 JDANHS vol 29 xv
Rev RR Needham St Martins rectory Worcester member of JDAfhS 1904 1904 JDANHS vol 27 xiii
lettice needham
married Richard wendesley f otwell needham of snitterton

JDANHS vol 27  21, 22

Sunday, 26 November 2017

Early Needham's

I was always led to believe that in the Hundred Rolls (Rotuli Hundredorum Vol l &2) there was mention of two Needham's in Derbyshire Johes de Nedh'm & Robert de Nedham. Francis Needham (1) in his web site on the History of Needham Grange refers only to the Needham family and quotes Tilley while Rainey refers to both Johes and Robert and gives two references (2). However, a closer examination reveals that in the Hundred Rolls there five/six Needham's: Both Johes in the High Peak in Derbyshire and Adam de Nedh'm in Hertfordshire appear in Volume 1. However, in Volume 2 there is reference to four (three if you think Johe is a duplicate) more Nedham's. Three were in Canterbury, Kent viz Albrico de Nedham, Eustace de Nedh'm, Hug' de Nedh'm and Johe de Nedh'm was living in Derbyshire. Johes and Johe are in my view the same person. BUT to date I haven't found a Robert linked to Derbyshire.
Joh'es de Nedh'm
It is said that J de N, an associate of a certain Hubert, thief, later hanged at the castle, pledged/paid a fine of 5 marks to Thomas Folejambe, on behalf of his lord R<obert> Extraneus, in order to remain in his home town <i.e. not be exiled?> ..........
Edw 1
rotuli hundredorum vol 2
Adam de Nedh'm
Villata de Sc'o Albano
It is said that Symon Starlyng bailiff of the hundred of Doncaster<?>  took from Adam of N 40 denarii while he was under interrogation.
Edw 1
rotuli hundredorum vol 2
Albrico de Nedham
Andrew Fitz Roger holding of the said vassal 2 acres of land paid annually to Albrico de Nedham 2 denarii.Roger Bercar  holding  1 acre of land of the same vassal  paid annually to Albrico de Nedham 1 denarius. Alan Alward  holding  1 acre of land of the
Edw 1
rotuli hundredorum vol 2
Eustac de Nedh'm
Likewise they <the Canonici> have <...> an acre of land in perpetuity as a gift <bequest?> from Eustace de N
Edw 1
rotuli hundredorum vol 2
Hug de Ned'm
Hugh de N owns a messuage in Bernewell which he bought from Galfrus Carvar. GC bought it from Rado of Theviham<?>. R of Th bought it from Matilda, daughter of Peter Stote, who had inherited it from Peter Stote her father. Peter bought it from William C<o>
Edw 1
rotuli hundredorum vol 2
Joh'es de Nedh'm
<Earlier part of records describes a break-in/robbery at Bauquelle, presumably Bakewell>.  Henry C<o>licus<?>  took from the said J de N while he was imprisoned one acre of meadow valued at 40 solidi, so that he would help him in his deliberation <court d
Edw 1
rotuli hundredorum vol 2
Adam de Nedham
St Albans
Oct. 20. Oct. 20. Westminster, William de Brok acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Nedham of St.Albans 81. 12s. Ad. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Middlesex and Northampton.
20 Oct 1288 Westminster
Calender of Close Calls Edward I 1279 to 1288
Adam de Nedham
St Albans
Robert Swift of Newmarket (de Novo Mercato) acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Nedham of St. Albans 161. 8s. 4d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Cambridge and Norfolk.
20 Oct 1288
Calender of Close Calls Edward I 1279 to 1288
Adam de Nedham
St Albans
Laurence de Brok acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Nedeham of St. Albans 5 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Buckingham. Cancelled on payment.
20 Oct 1288
Calender of Close Calls Edward I 1279 to 1288
Adam de Nedham
St Albans
Thomas de Stodeham, knight, acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Nedeham of St. Albans 81. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Hertford. Cancelled on payment.
20 Oct 1288
Calender of Close Calls Edward I 1279 to 1288
Adam de Nedham
St Albans
Walter de Mulcastre acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Nedeham 6 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Cumberland.
8 April westminster
Calender of Close Calls Edward I 1279 to 1288
Adam de Nedham
St Albans
Hugh de Coleworth acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Nedham of St. Albans 68s. 8d. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Essex
28 April 1289 Westminster
Calender of Close Calls Edward I 1288 to 1296
Adam de Nedham
St Albans
Hugh Dauudely acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Nedeham of St. Albans 161. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Northampton.
5 May 1289Westminstr
Calender of Close Calls Edward I 1288 to 1296
Adam de Nedham
St Albans
Robert de Barton acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Nedeham of St. Albans 20s.; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Westmoreland
18 Jan 1292 Westminster
Calender of Close Calls Edward I 1288 to 1296
Adam Nedham
and wife Emma
Plea of covenant: William Inge, querent, by Adam Steynwy, put in his place, and Adam de Nedham and Emma, his wife, deforciants. 1 messuage, 1 carucate of land, 80 acres of wood and 40 shillings of rent in Whathamstede. Adam and Emma have acknowledged the
4 May 1292; Westminster. One month from Easter, 20 Edward I [4 May 1292]
Feet of Fines   
Adam de Nedham
St Albans
Robert Pecche acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Nedeham of St. Albans 101. 10s. 0(1. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Essex and Suffolk
29 Oct 1293 Westminster
Calender of Close Calls Edward I 1288 to 1296
Adam de Needham
St Albans
Debtor: Roger de Beltoft, knight, of Lincs. Creditor: Adam de Needham, of St Albans [Herts] Amount: 24m. Before whom: Thomas Sely and William de Rainham, citizens of London; John de Bakewell, Clerk; at Boston Fair. First term: 27/11/1293 Last term: 27/11/
27 Nov 1293
C 241/24/68
Adam de Nedham
St Albans
William Gerberd acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Nedham 18 marks ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in co. Norfolk.
8 Dec 1295 Westminster
Calender of Close Calls Edward I 1288 to 1296
Adam de Nedham & Luke de Nedham
St Albans
Henry son of William de Dunelm[ia] acknowledges that he owes to Adam de Nedham and Luke, his son, 591. ; to be levied, in default of payment, of his lands and chattels in cos. Hertford and London.
26 Jul 1302 Westminster
Calender of Close Calls Edward I 1296 to 1302
Robert de Nedham

Robert de Nedham was attached to answer Alan de Waleton in a plea of trespass, wherein the latter complained that when he, as attorney of the Abbot of St Albans, made a distraint on the house of Walter le Porter at Brokenwharf, the defendant wanted to talk……
1 July 1305
Calendar: Roll G, 15 February 1305 - 22 October 1305', in Calendar of Early Mayor's Court Rolls: 1298-1307, ed. A H Thomas (London, 1924), pp. 170-227.
John de Nedham &
Luke de Nedham
John de Nedham, who served the king and his father and who is now infirm, is sent to the prior and convent of St. Frideswyde's (Freseteyde) Ox­ford, to receive the allowance that John de Taklay, deceased, had in the same. By K. on the information of broth
1 Oct 1316
Calender of Close Calls Edward I 1313 to 1318
John de Nedham
Newton in Holdernesse
To the abbot and convent of Messenden. Request that they will admit York. into their house William Bellard, ' charetter,' who long served the king and his father, whom the king is sending to them, and that they will deliver to him the necessaries of life
16 Dec 1318 York
Calender of Close Calls Edward I 1318 to 1323
Adam de needham
S Albans
Plea of covenant: Walter Thurston of Flamstede, querent, and Adam de Nedham, clerk, deforciant. 1 messuage and 1 shop in the vill of Sc'o Albano.  Adam has acknowledged the tenements to be the right of Walter, as those which Walter has of his gift. Walter
Two weeks from St Michael, 12 Edward II [13 October 1318].
Feet of Fines

To be fair to Rainey he gives two references for Johes & Robert. The first is the Hundred Rolls whilst the second is dated July 1305 from the 'Calendar of Early Mayor's Court Rolls' and refers to a Robert de Nedham who is either living in Hertfordshire or more likely London.
What is more of a surprise is the reason for some of the entries. Johes for example is in the Hundred Rolls because he has to pay a fine for his association with a thief who was hanged. As a consequence he paid for someone to represent him  in court and paid a fine so that he could remain in his house. If this person is John Needham of Thornsett then there are some dubious people around at the time.
Of the others in the Hundred Rolls Albrico, Eustace and Hugh were all involved in land transactions in Canterbury Kent, while Adam had to pay  a fine whilst under interrogation, again in Canterbury
So the next issue is are there any other references to these people in the Archives? The answer is a partial yes. In the Hundred Rolls reference is made to Adam de Nedham of St Albans, when a bailiff took money from him during interrogation (4) One wonders why and for what reason was he being interrogated. It also raises the question of where Adam came from, what roll he has and what happens to his family line?

Well we have some answers. In 1259 an Adam de Nedham is appointed a burger of St Albans (5). Further in the Calendar of Close Calls between 1288 and 1302 an Adam de Needham from St Albans is acknowledged to be owed considerable monies from a range to people from knights to land owners whose lands stretched from Westmoreland to Northampton, Essex and Suffolk/Norfolk. So it would appear he was a money lender/banker. The 1302 entry includes his son Luke. While in 1318 a John de Needham brother of Luke is mentioned. Additionally, it would appear that Adam dies around 1302 and has at least one son, Luke, and possibly two or even three. In 1316 and 18 there are two entries in the Calendar of Close Calls to a John de Nedham who has a brother, Luke. A request is made for support from the state to help the infirm John after serving for King and country. This was clearly given and the last reference has John in a monastery near York
An Adam de Nedham is also mentioned in Feet of Fines. In 1292 Adam de Nedham has a wife Emma mentioned in a Plea of Covenant
However, there are three further entries in the Feet of Fines records for Adam de Needham dated 1311, 1318 & 1333. in the two earlier records Adam is described as a clerk; and in 1333 he has a wife, Christian. Because of this and the dates I believe this is a second Adam probably the son of the first Adam de Needham. Time will tell.
comment 1
Adam de Needham
St Albans
Two weeks from St Michael, 12 Edward II [13 October 1318].
Plea of covenant: Walter Thurston of Flamstede, querent, and Adam de Nedham, clerk, deforciant. 1 messuage and 1 shop in the vill of Sc'o Albano.  Adam has acknowledged the tenements to be the right of Walter, as those which Walter has of his gift. Walter has granted to Adam the tenements and has rendered them to him in the court, to hold to Adam, of Walter and his heirs for the life of Adam, rendering yearly 1 rose at the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist, and doing to the chief lords all other services. And after the decease of Adam the tenements shall revert to Walter and his heirs, quit of the heirs of Adam, to hold of the chief lords for ever.
Feet of Fines
CP 25/1/88/63, number 301.
Adam de Nedham and Christian, his wife, deforciants.
St Albans
20 jan 1333. One week from St Michael, 6 Edward III [6 October 1332]. And afterwards one week from St Hilary in the same year [20 January 1333].
Plea of covenant. 8 acres of land in the vill of Sc'o Albano and Childwiksay. Adam and Christian have acknowledged the land to be the right of Robert, and have remised and quitclaimed it from themselves and the heirs of Christian to him and his heirs for ever. Warranty. Robert has given them 10 marks of silver.
Feet of Fines
CP 25/1/88/74, number 128.
Adam de Needham & Margaret
St Albans
Two weeks from St Michael, 5 Edward II [13 October 1311]. Westminster
Adam de Nedham, clerk, querent, and Margaret, who was the wife of William Bolum of Sc'o Albano, impedient.2 messuages and a moiety of 1 acre of land in the vill of Sc'o Albano. Plea of warranty of charter. Margaret has acknowledged the tenements to be the right of Adam, as those which he has of her gift, to hold to Adam and his heirs, of the chief lords for ever. Warranty by Margaret for herself and her heirs. Adam has given her 20 pounds sterling.
Feet of Fines
CP 25/1/87/55, number 104.

In summary it would appear that Adam de Nedham was an important person in St Albans. He was married to Emma and had two sons, Luke and John and possibly a third, Adam. The final question is where was he born and can he be linked to the Needham’s from High Needham.
What of the others in the Hundred rolls ie Albrico, Eustace and Hugh. To date I have found no other records. Further in the Poll Tax returns of 1377/81 there are no Needham’s in Kent
Shortly after the Hundred Rolls were completed in the Derbyshire Charters we find an Elias de Nedham is a witness on a land transaction at Hudlow and Earl Sterndale in the late 13th century, ( both Hurdlow and Earl Sterndale are close to High Needham), and Henry de Nedham is a witness to a similar transaction in Flagge (similarly Flagge is close to High Needham) in 1284 (3).
So, it looks as if in the periods 1275-1300 we have a Johes, Elias & Henry de Nedham, living at or close to High Needham.  An Albrico, Henry & Hugh living in Kent and Adam living in Hertfordshire. Finally there is a Robert who may hail from Hertfordshire. A far cry from my initial understanding. It raises a number of questions:
  • ·         Are Johes, Elias and Henry related? If not who are the ancestors of Elias & Henry?
  • ·         Are Albrico, Henry & Hugh related, who are their parents and their ancestors?
  • ·         Who are Adam’s parents, where does he come from and who are his ancestors? 
  •        Is Robert related to Adam? If not who are his parrents and who are his ancestors?

      One final observation. These records show there are more Needham's living outside Derbyshire than inside Derbyshire and to date I've found no early records  of Needham's in  Norfolk/Suffolk

      1. History of Needham Grange: Francis Needham
2. Dictionary of British Surnames: P.H. Reaney
3. Derbyshire Charters - Jeaye
4. Rotuli Hundredorum vol 2 p192
5. Monachi Sancci Albani, Chronica Majora, Matthew Paris, Ed H R Luard Vol 6, p 422 & 432