Monday, 22 October 2018

Staffordshire Update and others

1. Staffordshire: After Uttoxeter, I've pulled the baptism, burial & marriage data for Alton, Rochester and Checkley. There is a noticeable lack of family continuity. The question is where do the parents come from and where do the children disappear to? Answers on a postcard please.

2. Dorothy Needham After correspondence with Patrica F. on Dorothy Needham b 1787 in Chesterfield she pointed out that a Queen Ann prayer book exists with information on the Needham family line starting with Elias Needham b 1707 in Chesterfield. I'm going to do an article on this book. Additionally I found articles on Dorothy's husband Thomas Macdonagh showing he was a wine  merchant who went bankrupt

3. Wilson family tree. Have started to pull the family tree for CW. Looks very interesting

4. Cliff family tree. Pulled info on JC's family. Her father was asked to forge the first ingot of stainless that Harry Brearley produced

5. Carlton memorial : finished looking at the history of those named on the Carlton war memorial

Should have kept the blog going as I've done a lot in the past few months