Sunday, 25 June 2017

Derby Wills

Started integrating the Derby  wills into the BBM &  family data. It's sorted somethings but like Castleton it's opened others up. Will   carry on   regardless

Castleton Trees

1.Castleton suite of trees now updated and on line. Also updated the Castleton origins page. But there are unknowns so beware

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Catch Up

1. I'm back after a few weeks away on various holidays but I've been busy
2. I been getting to grips with the Castleton Needham will data. It's more confusing than I thought it would be. In fact I've found more Needham's and can't sort then out. Still there are more trees
3. I've been looking at my DNA profile which I got from 23andMe as part of a research project. It looks interesting and I've read a couple of books on the topic. I'm thinking of getting a YDNA profile. Any interest
4. My email link with webtrees isn't working so I've had a backlog of mail to deal with. See below:

4.1 From MN

Joseph Needham

 I have don some of my family tree and want to augment some of what you have. 

I'm terribly sorry for the delay in replying but I've been having problems with the Webtrees software not forwarding my email's. I thought I'd solved it but clearly this is not the case.

I'm hope you found the web site of use; it's there to provide information for others to use and to correct mistakes I've made. And there are many

You have raised an issue about Joseph Needham in my Norton tree. The problem I have is that there are a number of Joseph Needham's in the tree and I'm unsure which one you are referring to. If you'd like to be more specific I'll try and answer any issue you have with what I've done. If you just want to use the information on the site I have no problem with you doing that although I would ask that you acknowledge where you got the data from

I see like me you are a Needham and no doubt you realise it's a big family. When I started out on the Needham study I hadn't realised the scale of the task I had set myself. But as the site has become better used I've come into contact with a growing number of people, like yourself, who are building Needham family trees some  in regions of the country where I have done little work to date.  So in short I'd welcome any feedback you might have with what I've done and if you can help in anyway with the task I could do with anything you are able to provide.

I hope you found the site easy to navigate and find the info you were after and I look forward to future correspondence

4.2  From PD

James Needham 1763-1847
 I am descended from George Needham 1796-1860 son of James Needham. Without offence, please may I point out that the web site describes George as a half- brother to his siblings. I believe this to be wrong as James was married to Mary at the time George was born. We think that the Ellen recorded as his mother was in fact James' mother and that James stated her name in error. We have found previous instances of this in the family records.On the original P.R. registering the birth, an unusually large gap has been left for the mother's name in which the name Ellen has been entered. I suspect it may have been added later as the handwriting could possibly be different. 


I'm terribly sorry for the delay in replying but I've been having problems with the Webtrees software not forwarding my email's. I thought I'd solved it but clearly this is not the case.

I'm hope you found the web site of use; it's there to provide information for others to use and to correct mistakes I've made. And there are many. 

I must admit I always did find it strange that James could have had children by two women and that George was born sandwiched between Mary and Samuel whose mother was Mary Smith. In fact in the cold light of day I shouldn't have put the  entry in for George's birth if I thought Ellen was the mother as it is not consistent with the rest of the records. Your explanation is  much more likely; and I do remember some reference to the gap left for the mothers name and the possibility it had been added later. I'll amend my tree and records.

Are there any other issues you have with the tree? Do you agree that James's parents were Humphrey (1734-1784) and Ellen Sharlock, that Humphrey's parents were John (1705 - ?) and Ellen and that John's father was Thomas. If you are in agreement have you managed to go any further back with the tree. I'd be grateful of some help.

Thanks again for the feedback. I am too long in the tooth to take offence and in fact I'd much rather people point out errors/inconsistencies so that they can be corrected.

I trust you found the site easy to navigate and interrogate

4.3 From BN

Needhams in Gorton

 Hi, Distant Relative?!!!! I'm descended from the Gorton Needhams who emigrated to the Isle of Man. Would love to get in touch. downloading all your work to see where my line fits in. Best wishes.


I'm terribly sorry for the delay in replying but I've been having problems with the Webtrees software not forwarding my email's. I thought I'd solved it but clearly this is not the case.

I'm glad you found the web site of use; it's there to provide information for others to use. I've only just started looking at the Needham's in Lancashire and haven't done anything yet on the Gorton area least of all the Isle of Man

I am more than happy to keep in touch and would be very grateful for any help you can provide. When I started out on the Needham study I hadn't realised the scale of the task I had set myself. But as the site has become better used a growing number of poeple, like yourself, have built Needham family trees in regions of the country where I have done little work to date. In fact it's resulted in most  agreeing to put their trees on the site. So in short if you can help I could do with anything you are able to provide.

I look forward to further contact and hope the site is of use

4.4 From IM

Needhams of Derby and Osmaston
 Hi, I'm a descendant of Jane Dickin , sister to Mary Dickin[1803-1848]. I am currently in the process of writing up my family history. I've found your site very useful in confirming what information I've discovered and also in providing leads to discover new facts. For that, I thank you. In return, I hope I can help fill a oouple of gaps in the information on your site. Anne Needham b.1829, married twice, first to John Anyon in Derby in 1851, and then to John Woolley in Derby in 1863. She died in Nottingham in 1908. Jane Needham b.1836,married William Moore in London in 1863. She died in 1913 in Derby. I have other information which may be of interest, so please feel free to get in touch. 


I'm terribly sorry for the delay in replying but I've been having problems with the Webtrees software not forwarding my email's. I thought I'd solved it but clearly this is not the case.

I'm glad you found the website of use; it's there to provide information for others to use. Thank you for providing me with the information on the Needham's; I'm grateful for anything I can get my hands on. I'll add the info you provided to my tree when FamilyTreeMaker (the software I use) is working properly. 

You mention in your mail that you have other information I might find useful. If it's easy to summarise or provide a reference I'd welcome anything you have. Please send it to this email address.

I addition I'd be grateful if you could let me know of any issues you had using the website so that I can improve its usability.

Reply from IM

Hi Nigel, Thankyou for getting in touch. I found your site easy to use. One of the problems is that there is no record of my correspondence[at least I can't find one], consequently I can't remember what information I gave you! . Presumably I gave you death dates for Anne and Jane Needham, if I didn't let me know and I'll remedy it. One, or both, of George and Mary Needham/Dickin were almost certainly working as a servant at Osmaston Hall when they met. This was a very grand house which was owned by the Wilmot[later Wilmot-Horton] family. Unfortunately it was pulled down just before the war, along with its ancient and picturesque church. Martha Needham, who was also a servant, had two illegitimate children. The first of these, Thomas Edward was born in Osmaston in 1841. The baptismal record gives his father's name as Thomas Wilmot, there might be a connection with the owners of the Hall, we'll probably never know. Mary Dickin/Needham was the Great Aunt of the children's[although she also wrote books for adults] writer, Alison Uttley, who was born Alice Jane Taylor in 1884.

Thanks for the reply and the additional information
  I presume that the Martha Needham you refer to is Martha b 1822 f George m Mary and that her son Thomas Elmot was baptised a Needham and not a Wilmot

For your records the information you sent  in your first note was:
 Hi, I'm a descendant of Jane Dickin , sister to Mary Dickin[1803-1848]. I am currently in the process of writing up my family history. I've found your site very useful in confirming what information I've discovered and also in providing leads to discover new facts. For that, I thank you. In return, I hope I can help fill a oouple of gaps in the information on your site. Anne Needham b.1829, married twice, first to John Anyon in Derby in 1851, and then to John Woolley in Derby in 1863. She died in Nottingham in 1908. Jane Needham b.1836,married William Moore in London in 1863. She died in 1913 in Derby. I have other information which may be of interest, so please feel free to get in touch

If you have any other info that you feel may be of use it would be gratefully recieved