Monday, 9 January 2023
The Syston parish presents some difficult issues. The number of families is relatively large and when you combine this with the relativley small number of christian names used it makes it very difficult to move forward and be as certain as you can be or put another way 99% certain you are linking the right people together in families.
Historically, I've put families together bytaking the parich register as a whole and started picked out families which is easy enough with the dates of baptism nad the fathers name. for families. From there I work the families foward starting with the oldest. The alterntive way is to statrt with your youngest family and work backwards. This later approach is lower risk because you know the family has lived and worked through the centuries to be present on a particular day. This time I've tried both ways with limited success.
The first families arrive at the beginning of the growing season! ie the begining of the 17th century. In the first 50 years 11 families have arrived and 20 children born. There is the usual lag in the number of deaths and marriages. As you can see the number of families continues to grow until the middle of the 18th century when there were 19 families
Table Parish Records of Baptisms, Burials & Marriages
bap bur mar families
1600-1649 20 4 0 11
1650-1699 58 47 10 14
1700-1749 68 65 23 19
1750-1799 52 60 15 11
1800-1850 47 35 12 8
Total 245 211 60 63
Looking at the parish data, 68 children were born, 65 Needham's "bit the dust" and 23 Needham's got hitched. Then the numbers began to decline. By the time the census started in 1841 there were 22 Needham's living in Syston; a number that has kept constant througout the 19th and into the beginning of the 20th century. There are a number of others issues: of the 65 marriages between 1600 and 1850, under 30% INVOLVED Needham's FROM WITHIN SYSTON PARISH AND NONE TOOK PLACE BEFORE 1663. I'm not sure why this is the case.
Table Census results
Census Total
1841 22
1851 19
1861 24
1871 19
1881 21
1891 20
1901 28
1911 20
Tbale 3 Jobs
Job Number
wheelwright 1
clockmaker 1
Grazier 1
Needlemaker 1
Hosier 1
shoemaker 1
Gardener 1
Gent 1
Butcher 5
farmer 1
labourer 3
butcher 5
blacksmith 2
silk weaver 1
Few worked on the land. There was agrazier, a farmer, and 3 labourers. The remainder had skills and ones that required an apprenticeship. I've not seen before a Needham wheelwright0r clockmaker. Hosiers and silweaver are founf i9n Nottinghamshire and the Derwent Valley inDerbyshire, while needlemakers are not uncommon round SHeffield. But to have this variwety is not usual. most immegrated into Syston so why did they come and ply there trade here?
The Families
Last name First name(s) date maiden children span occupation male female will census
Needham John & Joan bef 1584 3 1605-1620 2 1
Needham Robert& Luce bef 1591 1 1612-1612 1
Needham Ricd & Emmet bef 1601 3 1622-1627 2 1
Needham George & Matilda bef 1606 4 1627-1637 2 2
Needham John & Alice bef 1606 2 1627-1639 2 0
Needham William & Elizabeth bef 1611 2 1632-1634 2 0
Needham William & Anna bef 1612 2 1633-1636 1 1
Needham Robert & mary bef 1613 2 1634-1637 3 0
Needham Thomas & Elizabeth bef 1616 1 1637 0 1
Needham Thomas & May 1618 1 1639 0 0
Needham Thomas & Ann may 1627 3 1649-1652 2 1
Needham John & Elizabeth bef 1639 3 1660-1678 yeoman 1 2
Needham Joseph & Mary/Marg bef 1640Cramp 6 1661-1669 3 3
Needham Thomas bef 1641 1 1662 1
Needham John & Jane bef 1646 3 1667-1677 2 1
Needham William & Helen bef 1647 4 1668-1676 2 2
Needham Thomas & Katherine bef 1647 2 1661-1668 1 1
Needham Thomas & Mary bef 1649 8 1670-1683 7 1
Needham Andrew & Margaret bef 1654 6 1673-1685 3 3
Needham Thomas & Ann bef1656 Archer 4 1672-1689 4 0
Needham William & Marty bef 1657 3 1678-1685 2 1
Needham William & Jane bef 1668 6 1689-1696 Butcher 2 4 will
Needham John & Ann bef 1669 5 1689-1694 2 3 na
Needham Andrew & Mary bef 1670 3 1691-169 1 2
Needham William & Elizabeth bef 1670 2 1691-1692 1 1
Needham Thomas & Ann bef 1679 3 1700-1704 laboureer 1 2
Needham John & Mary bef 1680PWNSSKY 3 1680-1713 butcher 1 2
Needham Thomas & Mary bef 1680 0 1701-1713 blacksmith 2 6
Needham John & Ann bef 1682 1 1703 1 0
Needham Thomas & Ann bef 1686 CLEAVER 3 1707-1710 butcher 1 2
Needham & Mary bef 1687 BOISY 2 1708-1719 taylor 1 1
Needham Thomas bef1693 Hubbard 8 1714-1728 5 3
Needham John & Ann bef 1694 Stones 4 1715-1720 2 2
Needham Joseph & Jane bef 1695 lewin 1 1716 1 0
Needham William & Mary bef 1699 1 1720 1 0
Needham Thomas& Ann bef 1701 2 1722-1726 1 1
Needham John bef1703 Weldin 3 1724-1729 1 2
Needham John & Ann bef1709 2 1730/1732 1 1
Needham John & Eliza beth bef 1710 13 1731-1738 5 8
Needham William & Ann bef 1714 Warren 7 1735-1745 3 4
Needham Thomas & Susannah bef 1721 2 1742-1744 2 0
Needham John & Ruth bef 1724 1 1745 0 1
Needham William & Sarah bef 1724 1 1745 0 1
Needham Robert & Elizabeth bef 1726 2 1747-1749 1 1
Needham William & Ann bef 1729 1 1750 0 1
Needha, John & Eli bef 1729 11 1750-1781 6 5
Needham Robert & Eliz bef 1729 7 1750-1778 4 3
Needham Job & Susannah bef1729 1 1740 1 0
Needham Robt & Rebeckah 1731 2 1752-1763 1 1
Needham John & Ruth bef 1739 6 1750-1761 1 5 census 51,1
Needham John & ALice bef 1741Weldon 10 1750-1766 2 8
Needham John & Mary 1747 North 10 1768-1787 Paupoers 5 5
Needham William & Mary 1754 3 1775-1779 2 1
Needham North & ELIZABETH Jan 1770Felstead 6 1821-1837farmer, grazier, Member of ull jail
`needham Thomas & Ann 1776Paling 5 1797-1812 4 1
Needham William & Sarah bef 1779church 7 1800-1819 wheelwright 2 5 51
Needham John & Sarah bef 1781 7 1802 - 1817needlemaker 2 5 child 41,51
Needham William & Sarah bef 1792 6 1813 - 1819wheelwright 2 4 census 51,25
Needham Thomas & Elizabeth 1793Rodwell 3 1814-1834 Clockmaker 2 1
Needham Samuel & Mary 1806Smuilth 5 1827-1834 1 4 51,6/7; 4116-18
Needham Isaac & Sarah 1806Grove 1 1836 wheeelwright 0 1
NeeedhamJohn & Mary bef 1810Simpson 1 1831 cordwainer 0 1
Needham John & Emma 1821Dodge 2 1844-1846 butcher 1 1 51, 11-123
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