Wednesday 13 September 2017

Ashover & twitter

1. Ashover Needham's: Have updated the BBM and family data and put all the new data into the trees. But can't sync trees on FTM with Ancestry so will have to delay putting thngs onto the nons website.  There are a number of question marks about relationships which I'll summarise late. There are also some sad cases:

The Sad Case of Jacob & Ann Needham’s children
Jacob and Ann Wigley married in July 1771 in Wirksworth and between 1772 and 1783 they had at least 6 children. However, five of these children died between 31 January 1789 and 22 February 1789. From the records, it’s difficult to actually match burials and children so I’ve put that the burials of all five children as Feb. 1789. It must have been a very sad household. Only one child survived, Isaac, and he lived until he was 86.

The other interesting point is that the Needham's were clustered together in a community outside the village of Ashover centered around Spitewinter

2. Twitter

Follow progress on the Needham family site on twitter @NeedhamONS

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